Principal's Message
Principal: Mr. Turner
Vice Principal: Mrs. McWhinnie
Secretary: Ms. Gibbons
History: The original Connaught School, located on the corner of Queensway and 15th Avenue, was built in 1915 as a two-room high school and operated until 1951 when it burned down. In 1953 it was reopened in a new, modern building on "one of the finest natural school sites in existence". The school was renamed Ron Brent Elementary in 1978 following the death of Mr. Brent who had taught in the school for 28 years. In the 1998-1999 school year the building was completely renovated and was officially reopened in the fall of 1999. Today it again stands as one of the finest facilities in the Province and the centrepiece of a re-emerging community. The "fine school spirit" of the old Connaught Elementary School remains today in the new Ron Brent school. Demographics: The population of Ron Brent Elementary, once as high as 600 students, is now in the range of 200-225 students. The school enrolls a diverse cross-section of students from the Connaught-Millar Addition areas of the city. All students are within walking distance of the school.
We offer a wide range of programs focusing on academic achievement and the development of strong positive social skills. Our academic initiatives are complemented by many extra- and co-curricular activities in areas such as sports, arts and crafts, peer helping, choir, aboriginal dancing, chess and computers (in our state of the art technology lab). The school provides a comprehensive array of support services and staff including a strong ESL/ESD program,a playground program, counsellor, youth care worker, Aboriginal Education Worker, support teachers and a community worker as well as breakfast and lunch programs. Ron Brent has school-wide policies and procedures in place ensuring a safe and positive environment for all students and staff.
Parents at Ron Brent Elementary continue to be a driving force in the development of the school. Through its fund raising activities, the PAC has contributed a new playground (installed in 1999) as well as significant support to our outstanding technology program. Parents have their own dedicated space within the building where they meet regularly to plan and support activities such as dances, craft fairs, community breakfasts, career fairs, parent support groups, fun fairs, cookie bakes and so on. The staff at Ron Brent Elementary are as dedicated, caring and professional as you will find in any school in the province. Their energy, experience and constant search for improvement combine with comprehensive school policies in the areas of academic achievement and social development to provide an outstanding learning environment for our students.