StrongStart: welcoming preschoolers to Ron Brent
Preschool children welcome! Bring your preschool children to Ron Brent Elementary for a creative and fun StrongStart program.
Bring your preschool children to Ron Brent Elementary for a creative and fun StrongStart program. StrongStart is an early learning program that gives children 0-5 years the opportunity to socialize and take part in activities that will enhance their cultural, physical, creative and intellectual development. Caregivers must stay with their children. And ... it's FREE.
Monday to Friday 8:45am - 11:45am
SD57 is committed to providing quality, equitable, and inclusive Early Learning experiences and opportunities for young children and their families. Schools, families and communities can work alongside children to provide rich learning experiences. SD57 acknowledges children as strong, capable and full of potential and active participants in their own learning journey.